Whether you use four poles, or a frame, you will need to attach the corners (and maybe the sides) of the quilt fabric to the hardware. Some approaches.
1. Decorative Smush-Gathering. Place the corners of the chuppah over the pole, gather a few inches down, then wrap with strong wire. Cover the wire with foliage or ribbon. This works best if you have a very large and unquilted chuppah (I used it with the lace bedspread chuppah in the photo above). But it uses up more fabric, and may not give the neatest effect, especially with a quilt.
2. Fabric or ribbon ties. This is my preference for a real quilt that I don't want to distort. I sew ties to all four corners, with a zig-zag stitch, just inside the binding. After the ceremony, remove them with a seam ripper. (Never go anywhere without a seam ripper. Except airplanes). With poles, you only need ties at the four corners. If you have a frame that circles the circumference of the chuppah (below), sew ties every foot or so. A 24" strip folded in half makes two 12" ties. Machine stitch through the center.
3. Buttonholes, grommets, or rings. You can sew a buttonhole in the corners of your quilts, through all the layers Ribbon or wire can then be strung through the holes to encricle the poles. Grommets are hammered into holes in the fabric (you can find a grommet kit in your fabric store)Again, wire or ribbon is slipped through the grommet, and around or through the top of the pole. Metal rings can also be sewn to the quilts corners.